Register for Camp
<blockquote>Camp Loughridge Summer Camp is for ages 7-12 and welcomes counselors in training (CIT) ages 13-15.</blockquote>
(Camp Loughridge Summer camp is a DAY CAMP only)
- Early Drop off 7:30 -8:30 –additional fee required ($25 for the week)
- Late pick up 5:00-6:00 additional fee required ($25 for the week)
- Early and late pickup ($40 for the week)
- Camp officially begins at 9:00 and ends at 4:30
- Each Day will consist of opening session, 3-5 Activity blocks, lunch, Snack breaks and a closing session.
- A Closing ceremony will occur on Friday and parent are encouraged to attend.
Rolling Drop off windows will be offered to reduce traffic congestion within camp Loughridge and the Oak Leaf Drive neighborhood. Carpooling is recommended. Offsite Bus stops will be offered but locations and fee are not available at this time.

<blockquote>Sessions- 7 sessions scheduled for 2016 </blockquote>
- June 6-11 Training week Session 4 July 11-15
- Session 1 June13-17 Session 5 July 18-22
- Session 2 June 20-24 Session 6 July 25-29
- Session 3 June 27-July 1 Session 7 Aug. 1-5
- July 4 -8 week No Camp

Camp Fees
Camp fees will be approximately $230 off peak weeks after 4th of July break. $250 for peak week sessions before the 4th of July. This fee will include lunch and snacks a shoulder bag, high quality water bottle, T-Shirt, and camp workbook.