Join the Camp Loughridge volunteer community and experience the joy, connection, and fulfillment.
Get involved, get happy? Sound crazy? Well, when the experts at the London School of Economics studied the correlation between volunteering and happiness that’s exactly what they found. The more people volunteered, they happier they were!
Volunteering means being part of something bigger than yourself. And that participation in a bigger cause has been found to actually decrease stress, create bonds that make you feel loved and create empathy, which leads to life satisfaction.
Sound pretty good? Everyone could stand to feel more loved or could use a little stress reduction right? Contact Camp Loughridge today to see how you can get involved! Every year dozens of volunteers share their time, energy and earnings with Camp Loughridge. You can always find them in any crowd…they’re the ones grinning from ear to ear! We want YOU to consider joining the ranks of the silly grinning, satisfied and de-stressed Loughridge volunteers.
Volunteer Projects
Camp Loughridge is always looking for specialized volunteers, such as electricians, plumbers, window cleaners etc. If you would like to donate your time and skills, please call Kyle at 918-446-4194 x1000
Weekdays preferred due to volume of events held on the weekend
Camp Loughridge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exists to provide a quality, year-round intergenerational facility in a rustic, natural environment for the promotion of Christian growth and spiritual renewal.