Summer Camp FAQ

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about summer camp at Camp Loughridge in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does my tuition include?

Each camper’s tuition covers all activities, daily lunches, and camp T-shirt.

Where do I pick-up/drop off my camper?

Follow curve the around to the K-Dome (covered basketball area) where a staff member will escort your child out of the car and to their tribe.

Where is camp located?

Go west on 71st St. about 2 miles past the 71st St. exit of Highway 75. Camp Loughridge will be on your right. View map.

A map showing the location of loughridge and tulsa hills

When is my balance and paperwork due?

All balances and health/consent forms are due two weeks prior to your session. You may pay balances over the phone, through internet, or mail payments. Paperwork may be mailed or faxed (918-446-3535) with signatures.

All deposits are Non-refundable and All outstanding balances will be drafted from the credit card on file.

What does my child need to bring to camp?

Wear comfortable/cool clothing, tennis shoes or sandals with a back strap, swimsuit/towel, and sunscreen/bug spray for reapplication during the day.

Are we allowed to pick-up early?

If you wish to pick up a camper early, call the office 15 minutes prior to early pick up. However, all requests made after 3:45 will be required to wait for the normal pick –up at 4:40.

I’m concerned about the heat, how are you handling this?

The safety of your children is our top priority and we take every action to keep them hydrated during the summer. Each camper should bring a water bottle from home. There are 15 jugs of water placed throughout camp for them to refill their bottles as needed. Our counselors also go through training to recognize signs of heat exhaustion and will take the necessary steps to aid your child.

Can I send food with my child?

We provide a healthy lunch for your camper with the option of a sandwich and snack everyday. If it is medically necessary that your child have a specific diet, then you may contact the office to make special arrangements.

During storm where do our children go?

If it’s just raining, camp continues as normal. If there is lightning or severe weather, all children will be located inside the TCC or Lodge. The restrooms on campus are FEMA standard tornado shelters. In the case of severe weather all the campers are taken to the shelters.

Do you have lost and found?

Our lost and found is located in the TCC. After closing ceremonies, there will be lost items laid out on tables for you to look through. If you notice something missing before Friday, please feel free to call the office and someone can escort you to the TCC where lost and found will be gathered at the end of each day. Please make sure you label all of your camper’s property.

When does camp close?

Camp closes at 6:00pm.

If you need additional help please email:

What if I need to cancel enrollment, or my child cannot attend camp?

Contact the Summer Camp office, 918-446-4194 or to cancel or change dates of camp enrollment. Please remember the deposit is non-refundable.

What is the Camper to Counselor ratio?

  • Our camper to counselor ratio for Summer Day Camp is 8:1.
  • Our camper to counselor ratio for Adventure Day Camp is 10:1.
  • Our camper to counselor ratio for Counselor In Training is 10:1 for 14 year olds and 12:1 for ages 15+.

What is the camper scholarship process?

Camper scholarship applications are available by emailing and requesting an application along with a brief explanation and other pertinent information regarding your situation. Scholarships are available for individual families as well as to groups like churches, schools or other agencies.

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